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Food, Agri & Livestock Asia 2013

Date: 13 – 15 DECEMBER  2013  

Venue: A t   K a r a c h i   E x p o   C e n t r e,   P a k i s t a n

Food, Agri & Livestock Asia International Exhibition & Conference, one of the most promising and enduring exhibition held at Karachi Expo Centre. Food, Agri & Livestock Asia Exhibition is being organized at the most opportune time when the government is looking forward to expand the developing industries of the country, which have shown tremendous growth in the past few years. The exhibition would serve as a comprehensive showcase of the latest in technology, equipment and machinery as well as allied services, while providing investors with a definite outlook of the regional Food, Agri & Livestock industry and an opportunity to meet their prospective counterparts and business partners

What you should know about Food, Agri & Livestock Asia ?

1.The most acclaimed event in the Food, Agri & Livestock industry
2.The Fair & Conference is an ideal entry point for foreign traders to embark upon the global Muslim market
3.Pakistan’s longest-running and largest food show where products are displayed with the machines, which processed them
4.Constitutes most effective, most successful and most sought products from all around the region
5.The Exhibition steadily upholds its records in bringing together local and regional players in the food industry
6.Gives small and medium entrepreneurs exposure, at the same time, skills and technology updates
7.Exhibits the latest global advancements in Food, Agri & Livestock technology


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