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 Indonesia Infrastrutrue 2013(IIICE)
Indonesia Infrastrutrue 2013(IIICE)

Date: 13-15 November 2013,   Venue :Jakarta Convention Center

Indonesia International Infrastructure Conference & Exhibition (IIICE’13) Hosted MP3EI Pavilion and the 33 Provinces of Indonesia on Exhibit!
A full display demonstrating MP3EI’s economic agenda in the 33 provinces of Indonesia showcasing priority infrastructure projects slated for development will be in the centre of everyone’s attention at the IIICE’13 Exhibition. Complementing this showcase, private sector companies and national pavilions from Indonesia’s major trading partners are invited to exhibit and demonstrate their capabilities & strengths in supporting the fast track infrastructure development to widest audience of infrastructure leaders, government decision makers, asset owners and operators, as well as selected and prequalified infrastructure investors assembled under one roof.

Who should exhibit
If your business operates in any of the following areas and is seeking to be actively involved in Indonesia’s infrastructure developments, contact the organizers to find out how your company can benefit from this event. Exhibition areas on the floor plan will be categorized alongside National and Provincial Priority Project oriented showcases. Key contractors, support services and technology providers from the following categories are encouraged to register for the exhibition:

Civil Design, Construction & Engineering

Environmental & Green Industries

Government’s National and Regional Projects

International Aid & Trade

Legal, Tax, Project Management, Actuarial

Merchant, Investment Banks & Institutional Investors

Oil and Gas Exploration, Processing & Distribution

Power Generation & Distribution

Telecommunications, Mobile and Information Technologies

Transportation and Logistics (Road, Rail, Port, Airport, Tunnel & Bridge)

Water, Waste Management & Agricultural Irrigation



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